
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Attacking Insects Naturally

There are those that have the incorrect idea that all insects are bad and this simply is not true at all!.  An irrational paranoia of anything that creeps and crawls or slithers can sell a lot of chemicals and natural insecticides because the market feeds off people's fear of insects.  Even parents teach their children to be fearful and leery of insects.  While it's true that there are many insects that can cause harm, it is also true that they usually do so as a way to protect themselves and preserve their species.

Believe me when I say that attacking all insects is irrational and if done would create a huge imbalance in nature if insects were prevented from doin their part.   It's even necessary to feed off the predatory insects to keep the insect population under control.

When you have the need to irradicate insects, at least do nature the justice of attacking the ones that are only a threat to you or your plants' survival or health.  People who are allergic to certain insects have little choice but to rid their homes and property of them.  A wasp or bee sting could put some people in the hospital.

Don't be oblivious to the insects that are beneficial and do not cause harm to us but will cause harm in some form to our plants.  For instance the butterfly is a beautiful creature, but gardeners and fruit crop growers do not appreciate their caterpillars!  Beneficial insects that don't hurt us or our crops are ladybugs and some species of wasps.  Honeybees can sting when threatened, but without honeybees, our honey supply would suffer.  People aren't the only ones who benefit from honey.  Insects and other animals benefit as well.         

Natural insecticides are safer for our environment than the chemical poisons that line the shelves of our stores due to the fact that they are made from oils, flowers, seeds, and sometimes even bacteria.  

*One natural pesticide is Neem  which comes from the Indian lilac tree.  It prevents feeding and is a growth regulator.  

*Another insecticide known as Pyrethrum is one of the most popular natural insecticides for attacking insects.  It is used to paralyze and must be applied directly.  It's contained in many pet shampoos for flea and tick control. 

*For quite some time Nicotine  which is a well known as a tobacco product, can also help control some insects.  

*Rotenone and sabadilla dust can be considered exotic natural insecticides because they are made from plants that exist in other countries.  Sabadilla can wreak havoc on a honeybee population, though, and is a short-term insecticide.

*Boric acid has been used for many years to help control nasty little roaches.

People who live in rural areas can be quite creative in their attempts to attack insects with homemade insecticides.  Some say cinnamon placed around a central air unit can keep the ants from entering and invading the points used to help run the units.  Whatever your preferred method of attack, please be sure to use caution and consideration.


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